Book Release day

Today is the day!

After years of God nudging my heart to make my calling of writing a reality, six months of writing, four months of planning and changing and editing…today is the day my book is released.  

I am simultaneously thrilled and terrified.  I’m a whole bunch of other things too, but I think those two words sum it up best.  It is absolutely insane to me that the words I wrote are now bound together in a book that anyone in the world can buy and read.  

I cannot see what happens with this and where this road leads.  If my book helps even one person feel seen, or one person to feel encouraged or challenged, or propels one person to take a step towards their purpose, it will ALL be worth it. I know without a shadow of a doubt that God is in this, and he does all things well.

If you have been following along on my blog, thank you.  If you’ve left encouraging comments or congratulatory texts, you have no idea how much that means.  If you have supported me in any way, whether that’s by reading this blog or buying my book, thank you from the bottom of my heart.  You will never know how much that support means to me. 

Have an extra cup of coffee today for me and if you feel led, go buy my book on Amazon. It’s a good day to celebrate. 

On this journey with you,



intentional screen time for kids


book Excerpt